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Mrs. Jean Marlo Davis, CEO

Jean Davis is the Founder and CEO of The Institute of Financial Freedom & Investment Solutions (TIFFIS), Level Up Coaching, LLC(The LUC Firm), Wealthy Women Enterprises (WWE), and TWC University.com
She has been featured on Fox 5 Good Day Atlanta with Actor/Activist Danny Glover, educating people on how to get out of debt, create wealth and lower their taxes during hard difficult times. Jean believes that in order to be financially free, you must free your mind from impoverished thinking and begin to feed your mind with true wealth information and wealth-building tactics.
Some of Jean’s A list clients have been, Ex- Minnesota Vikings Football player & Multimillionaire Fran Tarkenton, Multimillionaire & Investment Guru Ken Rolfsness, Actor/Activist Danny Glover, just to name a few. Jean’s new mission and goal are to impact a billion lives before she leaves this earth. She wants every woman, girl, man, and boy to know that you can Have, Be, Do, Anything!
 That’s why Jean Davis lives by her TIFFIS tagline, “preparing you for the rain before it pours.”

Welcome To WWE Support You Membership Page

Join Thousands of Women around the globe that are looking for support, love, training, unity, understanding, and so much more. Wealthy Women Enterprises(WWE) is excited to support you with your dreams, hopes, and desires. Fill out the info below and click the yellow box to join the movement!! 
Copyright 2021 - WWE Support You, LLC & WWE, LLC